Clinically I have noticed that there's has been a lack of the inclusion of lumbo-pelvic neuromuscular control rehabilitation tasks post Hamstring injury. The rehabilitation focus for athletes that suffered a Hamstring strain is generally focused on getting them pain free, restoring eccentric and concentric strength and restoring fascicle length of the Hamstring. Yet after ticking all these boxes we still have a high incidence of re-injury when returning to sport. (DeWitt et al., 2014)
Let's first define lumbo-pelvic neuromuscular control, in simple terms its the ability to control the lumbar spine on top of the pelvis while performing athletic movements. The inability to do this well may increase the chances of re-injury and also affect the athletes performance (Shield & Bourne, 2018).
Although neuromuscular control is hard to measure objectively as it depends on subjective scoring, studies have showed that the inclusion of neuromuscular control tasks into rehabilitation protocols reduce the rate of re-injury (Sherry & Best, 2004).
The inclusion of lumbo-pelvic neuromuscular rehabilitation may be the difference between going out there and performing at your optimal potential or returning with the same injury to the physio plinth.